Wroclaw | WR084WF | 5 Powst. Śląskich St. / opposite Arkady Wrocławskie SC / dir. Railway Station & Renoma SC
- Width Side A: 36 m
Height Side A: 26,8 m - Width Side B: 13,4 m
Height Side B: 26,8 m
- 1 323,92 m2
- Yes
- large format
Strict city center. The advertisment is located at the intersection where Powstańców Śląskich St. turns into Świdnicka Street. Perpendicular to the direction of travel, very clearly visible to those driving along Powstańców Śląśkich St. i.e. from the side of Bielany Center (Auchan, Tesco, Castorama, Obi, Ikea) and the A4 motorway entrance towards the city center. Approx. 100m in front of the surface there is the most modern shopping center Arkady Wrocławskie.
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