Wroclaw | WR088WF | A4 Motorway Gates – Ślęza / dir. City Centre
- Width Front: 27,9 m
Height Front: 12,6 m - Width Front: 9,3 m
Height Side A: 12,6 m
- 468,72 m2
- Yes
- large format
The hoarding is located by the A4 Motorway towards Wrocław, directly at the payment gates, and passed by all those entering the city of Wrocław and heading towards the S8 Wrocław – Łódź route. The reduction in traffic speed caused by the gates increases the ad perception time. A huge traffic volume 24 hours a day. The advert is facing the direction towards the city centre of Wrocław, the Aleja Bielany Shopping Centre and Auchan Bielany Shopping Park, as well as IKEA and Castorama.
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